Bitdefender is regarded as the renowned brand in online security from Simple Antivirus protection to Total PC security, yes you can reply on this brand for optimum security levels. Well so recently I just installed windows and I gave a try to their free version antivirus, well let me tell you that its really awesome, its simple, fast and really working model, so basically you need to login in order to activate it so when I was activating I came across my dashboard *created free account and I saw many more products in which one was Safego that allows anyone to scan their Facebook profile for viruses and harmful stuff for free.

So I just got attracted towards it and I connected my Facebook account with it, well you just need to give access to its app so that it can access your feed and wall and scan it up. So it started scanning my profile, my newsfeed and everything, the report is right above in front of you, well luckily my profile was not poisoned up so I went safe, but maybe your profile can have few viruses or other stuff that might post some bad content from your account to your friends like the scandal happened earlier, so its better to stay safe and use Safego as it automatically removes any harmful stuff and makes your profile clean and green.
Safego Friendly Advice Feature
Safego even provides you with the friendly advice feature with Warn Friends option so if fishy and bad links are posted on their newsfeed then you can warn them too about that so that they can remove that link and make their profile clean too.
On Post Scanning Feature
Now surf newsfeed and even socialize without any worries as Safego scans everything in just 60 seconds interval thanks to their improved scanning technology.
So overall I think it’s a good and easy option to scan your Facebook account for malicious links or spammy stuff without installing anything. So visit Safego now and create a free account and install their FB app to scan your Facebook profile.
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